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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Heroines

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by the awesome ladies at The Broke and Bookish. This week's theme is a freebie so I thought I would cover my favorite heroines. In no particular order:

1. Hermione Granger: I don't think I've ever seen a list of favorite female characters that doesn't include Hermione. And rightly so. Intelligent and brave, Hermione proves that being a bookworm is super cool (not that we didn't know that already). Ron and Harry would be completely lost without her.

2. Emma Woodhouse: For some reason I've always liked Jane Austen's Emma more than Elizabeth Bennet. I feel like she's more fun and lighthearted with a great character development. She's also the ultimate fan girl.

3. Katniss Everdeen: A fierce archer, Katniss Everdeen is the only hero she needs. To paraphrase the Disney movie Hercules, Katniss is a damsel, she is in distress but she's not a damsel in distress.

4. Violet Baudelaire: Now each one of the Baudelaire children is amazing. But Violet, you have to admit is pretty cool. An inventor, she is sure to come up with something amazing with any existing material in any dire situation.

5. Alice: Alice in Wonderland is one of my favorite Disney movies and children's classics. Through whimsy (and nonsense) Alice is able to get through one bizarre situation over another - all while keeping her head lol!

6. Jane Eyre: Despite her dismal upbringing, Jane is a pretty strong feminist before her time. Biggest Example: when she accepts Mr. Rochester's proposal on her own terms.

7. Luna Lovegood: Everyone's favorite Ravenclaw. I love that Luna doesn't let her peers dull her sparkle or her optimism, and instead embraces her full on quirkiness. Books 5-7 just wouldn't be the same without her.

8. Minerva McGonagall: Pretty much almost all of the female characters in the Harry Potter series are really amazing. McGonagall is super tough and no-nonsense, but also has a soft side. If you haven't already, do read her backstory!

9. Cinder: A cyborg, Cinder is as far to Cinderella as you can imagine. With her hardwork, and talents she is her own hero. I haven't read the other books in this series but I have a feeling that I'll be adding more favorite heroines.

10. Sara Crewe: Growing up, the character I wanted to be most like was Sara Crewe and with good reason. Even at her lowest point, she never let go of her poise and graciousness. Every girl has a princess inside of her.

And there are so many more heroines that I could talk about! How about you? Who is your favorite heroine?


  1. Hermione would totally make first place on my list too!

    Check out my TTT.

  2. Hermione would definitely be my top one too! I love Katniss, Violet, Luna and McGonagall.
    My TTT:

  3. My Top Ten Tues is on the most frustrating characters.

    Sort of the opposite of your list. :-) I'd have to say that Katniss would definitely be on my list and Violet Baudelaire is a good choice too. I'd add Nancy Drew and Karana from Island of the Blue Dolphins.

    1. Oh wow lol. Can't wait to see what you came with! That sounds like a fun read :)

  4. I actually liked Scarlet (the book) better than Cinder since I liked the team of Thorne, Cinder & Iko.

    My TTT

    1. Ooh really?! Can't wait to read it! I will check it out :)
